
Showing posts from April, 2020

Title of the essay, Machines and the Emotions

The 33 rules of pluralization|| singular and plural nouns || Concept of Number in English grammar || Rules to form Plurals || by sahil sharifdin English

He talked softly. He walked humbly. He ate sensibly.|| Habits of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) || Lifestyle of prophet Mohammed

The "theme" of the poem, puff, the magic dragon

Sahil Sharifdin English, Google boy || Life and choices of sahil sharifdin English

Not FIVE but 13 kinds of noun in English language (Research done by Sahil sharifdin English)

The concept of CASE in English grammar : Nominative, Accusative, Dative, ablative, Genitive, vocative and apposition case

Birthplaces and names of 25 prophets mentioned in the holy Quran

Happy English Language Day || Happy Shakespeare Day ||شکسپئیر || Tribute to shakespeare By Dr Allama Iqbal

Names of 68 Muslim countries/nations.

*English translation of a Ghazal of Nida Fazli by sahil sharifdin English*

Theme of the lesson titled WU AND THE YELLOW DRAGON

A to Z proverbs, phrases and idioms. Their definitions, examples and usages.

تمناؤں میں الجھایا گیا ہوں // Tamanawu mai uljhaya gaya hu

Silent Letters in English Words. Why are some letters silent? Why C gives K sound? Why G gives J sound?

A Letter To My Pen Friend

My Experiences As A Lecturer (2)

My Experiences As A Lecturer (1)

Five Kinds of SENTENCE in English language?

Sentence formation in English language. || SUBJECT and PREDICATE explained.

Short biography of the holy prophet, Mohammed (pbuh)

Eight parts of speech in English language

Literary Devices used in the poem Apple-picking

Theme of the poem Apple-picking

Paraphrase of the poem Apple-picking