Eight parts of speech in English language

There are almost a million words (usable / non-usable) in English language. It is almost impossible to learn all of them. However, we can learn most of them with the help of some tricks.
Trick No. 1
All English words have been divided into EIGHT families by Grammarians based upon their functions. Just as all people have  divided themselves into certain communities on the grounds of religions. YOU know, all Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs etc are humans, similar all NOUNS, VERBS, ADJECTIVES etc are basically WORDS.
The eight families of the words are commonly known as EIGHTH PARTS OF SPEECH.
1)NOUN : Whatsoever you can see, hear, taste, touch, smell or you can think of is NOUN. e. g. Pen, thunder, sweetness, chair, angel
2) PRONOUN : Any word that can replace NOUN is PRONOUN.  e. g.
He, she, You, His, our, Their, I

Sahil is a teacher.
(He) is a teacher.

3) ADJECTIVE : A word that adds something to the meaning of NOUN or PRONOUN. e. g. Happy, Tall, Angry.

You are a doctor.
You are a (happy) doctor.

4) VERB :  A word that denotes an action. e. g. write, Eat, Come, Go

5) PREPOSITION : A word that is placed before a Noun or Pronoun to denote its relation to another word or part of the sentence. e. g.  ON, OF, TO, AT, FROM, IN

Book (ON) table. Son (OF) teacher.

6) CONJUNCTION: A word that joins words or sentences together. e. g.
And, But, Or, yet, so

7)ADVERB : A word that adds something to every part of speech except NOUN, PRONOUN and INTERJECTION. e. g.
*Verb: He eats "gently".
*Adjective : He is a "very" good boy.
*Adverb : He walks "very" slowly.
*Preposition: He came "just" in time.
*Conjunction : she died "simply" because she was ill.

8)INTERJECTION : A word that expresses an emotion of JOY, SORROW or SURPRISE e. g.  Alas! Oh! Ouch! Hurrah!

Trick No 2
Common ENDINGS of Noun
1)_ment: judgement, enjoyment
2)_tion: creation, affection
3)_ance: assistance, assurance
4)_ing:Breathing, singing
5)_ness:coldness, business
6)_ty: Ability, activity
7)_cy: Accuracy, Delicacy
8)_hood: babyhood, childhood
9)_ship: kingship, friendship
10)_age: bondage, coinage
11)_ism: Hinduism, Heroism

Common beginnings and endings of VERB
1) _Be : Befool, befriend
2)_De: Defame, demean
3)_Em: Embody, empower
4)_im: imprison, impoverish
5) _en: Encourage, Enable
6)+en: Deepen, Heighten
7)+fy: Beautify, Glorify
8)+ise : Generalise, particularise

Common endings of Adjective
1) AL: Accidental, clerical
2)FUL: Awful, skilful
3)ARY: Monetary, Disciplinary
4)Y: Airy, Bushy
5)IC: Majestic, idiomatic
6)ISH: childish, Doggish
7)LIKE: childlike, ladylike
8)ATE; fortunate, affectionate
9)LESS: Harmless, homeless
10)LY: costly, brotherly
11)OUS: Anxious, Envious
12)ABLE: Agreeable, honourable
13)IVE: Abusive, Defective

Adverb ends commonly on LY
Calmly, Beautifully.
He is beautifully (Adverb) (❌)
He talks beautifully (Adverb) (✔️)
He is friendly (Adjective) (✔️)

Hope it helps you to learn English language. Stay blessed. Stay smiling.


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