A Letter To My Pen Friend
Hi dear,
Your letter found me in the best of health and I pray God Almighty to shower His choicest blessing and joys upon you for choosing me your pen friend . You are my one and only pen friend on this planet . You know , this world is full with men and women but HUMANS like you are hardly seen anywhere . I feel glad just by being in the list of your friends whom you write sometimes about your personal experiences which are of great educational and moral value as well. I hope our letters will be collected and published one day , insha-Allah .
In your previous letter you had asked me to write to you something about the romantic aspect of my personality. Hahahaha. It is a fact that I do read literature written on romance but I have unfortunately never experienced it at personal level . I have read hundreds of books on Romance but I cherish the memories of a few legendary lovers only ,such as Jean Eyre , Heathcliff , Jude, Criseyde, Juliet, Dido , Gabriel oak etc. You can compare me with Heathcliff and Jude to some extent as I am a very jealous lover in nature . However, I have never fallen literally in love with any lass . To entertain you , I would narrate to you a true incident that befell me in my early college days .
You know, I had heard about ragging in colleges ,so, I was very scared on my first day at college . I had no friends there and my best friends had either joined other colleges or failed . One of my maternal aunts was residing very near the college I joined . Now, you can easily guess why I would have joined that college. I posed to be a silent and simple guy inside the college . I would hardly talk to anybody . As days passed , I found a beautiful girl drawing close to me . I would have run away but her wild beauty didn't let me . I was at times giving brief replies to her well planned questions . Once she asked me for a book which I was carrying everywhere with me as it was my favorite book. It was a book of poetry . I didn't want to hurt a lover of that book ,so, I lent it to her . She returned it the next day with a few words written inside on its cover page . The words expressed her feelings for me . I was surprised but I ignored it as love at college level was very expensive . My mom used to give me 30 rupees daily and my daily fare was 20 rupees. The extra ten rupee note would go to the SAMOSA WALA whose shop was outside the college in exchange for two SAMOSAS . She expressed her feelings daily through one way or the other, but, the zest for studies and poor pocket demanded me to ignore or delay . Once we were waiting for our professor inside the class and she was sitting on a bench behind me . I saw her incising her index finger with a blade and writing something on a page that she later threw towards me . The page lay before me for some time. I would not have picked it up , had not the professor made his entry . I put that page inside my bag so that the professor didn't see it and create a scene . (I am attaching a Xerox of that historic page with this letter ) . Then I began to take that matter seriously as I was very impressed with the love story of John Keats that I had recently read in those days . I had made up my mind to talk to her directly the next day and lay down the rules of our relationship keeping in view my pocket status and my studies. As good luck would have it , I saw her walking down with another classmate of ours towards the college the very next day . I kept walking slowly behind them and observed the way of her interacting with him very closely . Then I concluded that she had given up hope of me after seeing me not reacting immediately to her bloody page the previous day . I was surprised to see the change in her feelings overnight . The story ended there and then . I was a teenager then and it was damn possible that if she had waited one day more , she would have hit the bull's eye , for, I had been impressed seeing her bloody letter . But, who can defeat the fate except the rare heroes ?
Later , I continued walking on my track with a greater strength and faith . The fickle mindedness of women had shown naked itself to me .
As I shared one of my deepest secrets with you in this letter , I hope you too will share something very interesting with me in your next letter . I once again pray for the long life of this friendship , your health , knowledge and your family !
Your loving and trusting Friend
Your letter found me in the best of health and I pray God Almighty to shower His choicest blessing and joys upon you for choosing me your pen friend . You are my one and only pen friend on this planet . You know , this world is full with men and women but HUMANS like you are hardly seen anywhere . I feel glad just by being in the list of your friends whom you write sometimes about your personal experiences which are of great educational and moral value as well. I hope our letters will be collected and published one day , insha-Allah .
In your previous letter you had asked me to write to you something about the romantic aspect of my personality. Hahahaha. It is a fact that I do read literature written on romance but I have unfortunately never experienced it at personal level . I have read hundreds of books on Romance but I cherish the memories of a few legendary lovers only ,such as Jean Eyre , Heathcliff , Jude, Criseyde, Juliet, Dido , Gabriel oak etc. You can compare me with Heathcliff and Jude to some extent as I am a very jealous lover in nature . However, I have never fallen literally in love with any lass . To entertain you , I would narrate to you a true incident that befell me in my early college days .
You know, I had heard about ragging in colleges ,so, I was very scared on my first day at college . I had no friends there and my best friends had either joined other colleges or failed . One of my maternal aunts was residing very near the college I joined . Now, you can easily guess why I would have joined that college. I posed to be a silent and simple guy inside the college . I would hardly talk to anybody . As days passed , I found a beautiful girl drawing close to me . I would have run away but her wild beauty didn't let me . I was at times giving brief replies to her well planned questions . Once she asked me for a book which I was carrying everywhere with me as it was my favorite book. It was a book of poetry . I didn't want to hurt a lover of that book ,so, I lent it to her . She returned it the next day with a few words written inside on its cover page . The words expressed her feelings for me . I was surprised but I ignored it as love at college level was very expensive . My mom used to give me 30 rupees daily and my daily fare was 20 rupees. The extra ten rupee note would go to the SAMOSA WALA whose shop was outside the college in exchange for two SAMOSAS . She expressed her feelings daily through one way or the other, but, the zest for studies and poor pocket demanded me to ignore or delay . Once we were waiting for our professor inside the class and she was sitting on a bench behind me . I saw her incising her index finger with a blade and writing something on a page that she later threw towards me . The page lay before me for some time. I would not have picked it up , had not the professor made his entry . I put that page inside my bag so that the professor didn't see it and create a scene . (I am attaching a Xerox of that historic page with this letter ) . Then I began to take that matter seriously as I was very impressed with the love story of John Keats that I had recently read in those days . I had made up my mind to talk to her directly the next day and lay down the rules of our relationship keeping in view my pocket status and my studies. As good luck would have it , I saw her walking down with another classmate of ours towards the college the very next day . I kept walking slowly behind them and observed the way of her interacting with him very closely . Then I concluded that she had given up hope of me after seeing me not reacting immediately to her bloody page the previous day . I was surprised to see the change in her feelings overnight . The story ended there and then . I was a teenager then and it was damn possible that if she had waited one day more , she would have hit the bull's eye , for, I had been impressed seeing her bloody letter . But, who can defeat the fate except the rare heroes ?
Later , I continued walking on my track with a greater strength and faith . The fickle mindedness of women had shown naked itself to me .
As I shared one of my deepest secrets with you in this letter , I hope you too will share something very interesting with me in your next letter . I once again pray for the long life of this friendship , your health , knowledge and your family !
Your loving and trusting Friend
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