Learn 75% Islam within 20 minutes // Islam for beginners

LEARN 75 % ISLAM             

  Within 20 minutes 

(Revised Edition ) 

A booklet composed by 

Sahil sharifdin English and his brothers. 


 The booklet will help those people whose schedule remains tight 24x7 but they want to know the basics of Islam. Modern people, in general, are too busy to find time for knowing the world's various religions. However, every individual living on the planet earth needs to know about the religions that are practiced on the planet earth as the  religions govern the mentality and behaviour of the people to a great extent. Whether you like to practice any religion or not, yet you need to know the basics of all major religions of the world if you like to understand the world and the people that live in it. Some religions are maligned on the grounds that they spread violence and hate in the world and Islam is the biggest victim of such false propaganda. Rest assured, all religions are like pure water, however, one can add salt to this pure water to make it salty or another can add sugar to it to make it sweet. I reckon that there is no need of adding  or subtracting anything to any religion especially Islam. If you really want to comprehend the truth and reality of any religion, even Islam, then kindly study the original and authorised books of that religion. Don't listen to the rivals, enemies or even the propagators of that religion. Many a times two propagators of the same religion will give you the two different and contradicting versions of their same religion. To sum up, I would like you to know about as many religions as is possible for you, study the original texts of the religions, develop a better understanding of the world and its people and promote international peace, unity and brotherhood. 

The small booklet titled LEARN 75 % ISLAM WITHIN 20 MINUTES will appraise you about truth of Islam as everything written in it is with the reference from the holy and authorised books of Islam. 

Don't listen to paid and biased media. Use your brains and get at the root of the truth. Wish you a happy reading! 


I) The Motto of Islam 

II) The Five categories of 

DOS and Don'ts in Islam. 

III) The authentic books of Islam 

 IV) The five pillars of Islam 

V) The Six articles of faith 

1.  The Concept of God in Islam 

2. The Concept of angels in Islam 

3. Faith in the  Heavenly Books 

4. Faith in the prophets 

5. The Concept of the end of the universe 

6. The Concept of Destiny 

7. The first pillar of Islam 

8. What is the concept of  ablution in Islam? 

9. Types of prayers in Islam? 

10. The Common way of offering prayers? 

11. Units of Islamic prayers at different times in a day ? 

12. The Concept of charity 

13. The Concept of Fasting 

14.The  Concept of visiting Mecca 

15. The Concept of JIHAD 

16. The Concept of Hijab and Beard

17. Marriage and kids in Islam 

18. Funeral rites in Islam 

19. The Concept of dividing property in Islam 

20. Names and birthplaces of 25 prophets 

21. Names of the top male friends of the Prophet Mohammad pbuh 

22. Names of the top female companions 

23. Top five TAFSEERS of the holy Quran 

24. Top ten Muslim classic scholars 

25. Facts about the last prophet of Islam.  

I) The Motto of Islam 

The following Verse from the holy Quran best describes the motto of Islam : 

"... God wants to make your life easy (with Islam). He doesn't want to make your life difficult..." 

( 02:185)  

II) The Five categories of Dos and Don'ts in Islam  

All things which Islam commands or prohibits are divided in the following FIVE categories : 

Wajib: It refers to  compulsory commands in Islam. If you avoid wajib, you earn sins. Salah, soum, zakah, Haj etc fall in this category with certain conditions. 

Haram: It refers to prohibited things in Islam. If you DON'T avoid Haram, you earn sins.  Pork, alchohol, adultery, bank interest, music, movies etc fall in this category with certain conditions. 

Mandoob/Sunnah : It refers to the things encouraged by Islam. If you do them, you earn virtues. Brushing your teeth, wearing a smile on the face, greeting people etc fall in this category with certain conditions. 

Makrooh: It refers to the things discouraged by Islam. If you avoid them, you earn virtues. If you do them by mistake, there is no sin. Entering mosque soon after eating garlic, praying in darkness etc fall in this category with certain conditions 

Mubah : It refers to the optional things in Islam. It doesn't matter whether you do them or avoid. Eating fruit, doing gym, riding bicycle, buying Apple phone or Redmi phone etc fall in this category. 

III) The authentic books of Islam

The holy Quran is the authentic book of Islam. If you want to understand Islam purely and perfectly, you need to buy and study the holy Quran. 

Next, The two Hadith collections titled SAHI BUKHARI and SAHI MUSLIM are also considered authentic by all Muslims of all times. Besides them, there are more Hadith collections, fiq collections, history books etc, one can use them also to learn and teach Islam so long as their content doesn't contradict with the content of the holy Quran, sahi Bhukhari and sahi Muslim. If you wonder what the word "Hadith" means, I tell you, it means words, actions and approvals of the last prophet of Islam. After the holy Quran, His words, actions and approvals (Hadith) are regarded most authentic in Islam. 


IV) The five pillars of Islam 

The five pillars of Islam are mentioned below : 

1 ) To testify that there is no god but Allah and Mohammed (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah 

2 ) To offer salah five times a day

3 ) To give charity 

4) To fast in the month of Ramadan 

5) To perform Haj 

V) The Six articles of faith  

The six articles of faith in the religion of Islam are given below :  

1. Belief in the oneness and existence of God 

2. Belief in the existence of angels 

3. Belief in the books sent down by God for humanity. 

4. Belief in the existence of all prophets  

5. Belief in the existence of the day of Judgement. 

6. Belief in the existence of destiny that  all good and bad are predestined and come from God 

1.  The Concept of God in Islam

The following statements with references from the holy Quran will appraise you of the concept of God in islam: 

*God is one and only. (112:1) 

*He has no father or son. (112:3) 

*He is the sustainer of the universe. (1:1) 

* He is on the heavenly throne (Arsh). (7:54) 

* He controls every atom. (2:20) 

*He is unique and uncomparable. (112:4) 

*He is all-hearing and all-seeing. (4:58)

* He knows the secrets of the heart. (3:29) 

* No eye can see Him. (6:103) 

*when he intends to create anything, he says "Be" and it is. (36:82) 

* He is nearer to us than our jugular vein. (50:16) 

*He is light upon light. (24:35) 

*He is oft-forgiving and extremely loving. (85:14)  

2. The Concept of angels in Islam 

Islam says that God has created angels from light. They are neither male nor female. They don't eat or drink. They are never disobedient to God. They don't have FREE WILL. They are unlike djinns who have been created from fire and have FREE WILL. The greatest angels of God are Jibraeel, Mikaeel, Israfeel, Izraeel, Malik and Ridwan. 

(sahi Bukhari, book 2, Hadith 50)  

3. The faith in the  Heavenly Books 

It is one of the six articles of faith in the religion of Islam to have faith in the heavenly books sent down by God to his choicest prophets. It is believed that He has sent down about a hundred of books to various prophets at different times down the history. However, the famous among them are TORAH, given to the Prophet Musa (A. S.) , ZABUR, given to the Prophet Dawood(A. S.) ,  INJEEL, given to the Prophet ISA (A. S.) and the holy Quran given to the last prophet of Islam, prophet Mohammad (PBUH). 

4. The faith in the prophets

It is one of the six articles of faith in the religion of Islam to have faith in all the authentic prophets. It is believed by Muslims that God sent about 1,24000 /2,24000 for the guidance of humanity. However, only 25 prophets are mentioned by name in the holy Quran. The prophets were human beings. They married and produced kids. They ate, drank and slept. They fell ill at times also.  Adam, Nuh, Ibrahiim, Musa and  Mohammed are some of the Prophets mentioned in the holy Quran. 

5. The Concept of the end of the universe 

It is one of the six articles of faith in the religion of Islam to have faith in the end of the universe. Islam teaches that the universe is not there for ever. When people will neglect their religion totally, God will command His angel named Israfeel (A. S.) to blow his trumpet. The horrible sound of the trumpet  will cause death to  all living creatures and destroy all the universe. However, nobody except God Himself knows the exact time of the destruction of the universe or the doomsday. The holy prophet (pbuh) has enumerated some minor and major signs that will appear in the world before the doomsday. Among the minor signs are : disobedience to parents,  transparent dresses worn by women, common consumption of alchohol etc. Among the major signs are: appearance of the anti-christ i. e. Dajal, descent of the Prophet Isa from the sky, birth of imam-Mehdi etc. 

When Israfeel will blow the trumpet second time, all the people ever lived in the world will be resurrected and then investigated about their good and bad deeds. The people with more good deeds will be sent to Heaven for ever and the sinners will be thrown into the fire of Hell for ever. 

(Quranic Chapters, 79,81,82,84)

6. The Concept of Destiny in Islam 

It is one of the six articles of faith in the religion of Islam to have faith in the destiny. Islam teaches that everything about everyone is known to God and He has written it all down on a divine slat called LOOHI-MAHFOOZ. He knows the past, present and future of everyone and everything. Nothing is hidden from Him. 

(Sahi Bukhari, Book of destiny, Book No 82) 

7. The First pillar of Islam 

The first pillar of Islam is to take a bath, an Islamic name and then  testify that "There is no god but Allah and Mohammed (pbuh) is the last and final messenger of Allah". 

(sahi Bukhari, Hadith No50)  

8. What is the concept ablution in Islam? 

Islam teaches that hygiene and cleanliness are half of  the religion of Islam. Therefore, everyone needs to purify himself by making ablution before standing to offer salah. Ablution means to wash the different parts of one's body with clean water  before he/she stands to offer salah. The ablution in Islam is different from ablutions in other religions. The Islamic ablution is described step by step below:- 

STEP 1. To wash your private parts with clean water completely. 

STEP 2. To face the holy kaba and wash your hands with clean water  upto the wrists three times. 

STEP 3. Wash your mouth thrice 

STEP 4.wash your nose thrice. 

STEP. 5 wash your face thrice. 

STEP 6. Wash first your right arm upto the elbow thrice and then the left arm likewise. 

STEP 7. Pass your wet hands on the head once. 

STEP 8. Pass your wet hands on the ears once 

STEP 9. Wash your right foot upto the ankles thrice and then the left foot likewise. 

After performing the aforementioned nine steps, your ablution is complete and you become able to offer salah. However, if anything passes from your private parts or you become unconscious or you sleep or you become naked somehow, all such actions nullify your ablution and you need to  renew it before standing up for prayers. 

If water is not available, you can purify yourself with soil and that is called "Tayammum" in Islam. Tayammum is done by striking pure soil lightly once with the palms of your both hands and then passing the palms on your face and the outer sides of your  hands once. 

You can have an islamic bath in the following three steps;- 

STEP 1. Wash away dirt, semen and filth from your body and clothes or wash the clothes completely. 

STEP 2. Make a complete ablution as  described above while covering your body from the naval to the  knees. 

STEP 3. Pour water on your whole body at least once. 

(Quran 5:6)

(sahi Bukhari, book 5Hadith No 276) 

9. Types of prayers in Islam?

There are no less than 15 types of authentic prayers in Islam and they are as following :- 

1)Daily five prayers (Fajir, zuhar, Asr, Magrib and Isha) 

2) Friday prayer. 

3) witir prayer. 

4) Tahajud /Taraweeh prayer 

5) Funeral prayer 

6)  Eid prayers 

7) Istikhra prayer 

8) prayer in fear 

9) Lunar eclipse prayer 

10) solar eclipse prayer 

11) prayer for rain 

12) Duh'ha prayer 

13) Taubah prayer 

14) Tehyatul wudu prayer 

15)Tehyatul Masjid prayer 

10. The Common way of offering prayers? 

The following steps show how to offer prayer in Islam :- 

STEP 1. First of all, a call for prayer called AZAN is loudly given to invite the worshippers. 

STEP 2. Second of all, second call for prayer in audible voice called IQAMAH is given to signal the worshippers to stand up and make rows. 

STEP 3. One must face Qibla (the holy kaba) while offering prayer

STEP 4. Raise your hands upto the  shoulders or the  ears and say ALLAH O AKBAR 

STEP 5. Put your right hand on your left hand and tie them on your chest or above the navel 

STEP 6. Recite the first chapter of the Quran followed by some other chapter/a part  of the chapter of your choice from the holy Quran 

STEP 7. Say ALLAH O AKBAR, kneel down and hold your knees in your hands tight and recite Subhana Rabiyal Azim, odd times 

STEP 8. Stand up properly from  the kneeling. Then, make a prostration and recite Subhana Rabiyal Aelaa, odd times. Sit up for a few seconds from the first prostration while holding your butt on your heels and hands on your thighs and then go down for second prostration and recite Subhana Rabiyal Aelaa again odd times. Thus, you complete a unit of Islamic salah. 

STEP 9. You can offer one, two, three or four units of prayer together as will be required.  

STEP 10. You will finish your prayer by sitting up on your heels and the hands on the thighs after making the second prostration and after reciting TAHIYYAT and SALAT. You will turn your face first to the right side and then to the left side saying Asalamualaikum werehmatullahi at both times. Thus you will set yourself free from the prayer  

STEP 11. Prayer in Islam is completed with Salam, however, you can sit down there for a while  and remember God more if you have time. 

[ If you really want to learn how to offer prayer in Islam, you need to learn it practically from some practising Muslim. The above description given in steps may confuse you if Islam is alien to you. ] 

(Sahi Bukhari, book 10, Hadith No. 738) 

11. Units of Islamic prayers at different times in a day ? 

The  units of prayer a Muslim needs to offer at different times during the day are given below : 

STEP 1. One needs to offer four units of prayer early in the morning in FAJIR prayer. First two units as SUNNAh/Mandoob and the remaining two as FARIZ/wajib.  

STEP 2. There are ten units in mid-day prayer called Zuhar prayer. First four SUNNAh, next four Fariz and last two again SUNNAh. 

STEP 3. There are four units in late afternoon prayer called Asir prayer and all the four units are wajib/Fariz. 

STEP 4. There are five units in dusk prayer called Magrib prayer. First three are Fariz and the last two SUNNAh. 

STEP 5. There are nine units in late night prayer called Isha prayer. First four Fariz, then two SUNNAh and the remaining three witir which is actually a separate prayer but offered with Isha. 

12. The Concept of charity

Islam is the most compassionate religion and commands its followers to give charity to the needy, helpless and poor. Charity is the third pillar of Islam. Charity in Islam has the following types:

I) zakat : A rich Muslim is required to give 2.5% of his surplus wealth at the end of every lunar year if his  wealth is more than Nisab level i. e. 85 grams of gold or the sum of rupees equal to it. This type of charity is called zakat and it is not FARIZ/WAJIB on poor. The things of personal use such as home, car, horse, clothes of daily use and the  means of livelihood are free from zakat.

II) ushur : A Muslim is required to give 10% of his crop in charity if the irrigation is not natural or 20% if the irrigation is natural. This type of charity is called ushar /usheer. 

III) Sadakah : A Muslim is required to give 2.5 kgs of rice or of the food he eats himself daily to the poor every year before offering Eid prayer at the end Ramadan 

IV) optional charity : A Muslim can give charity  generously so long as he himself doesn't become poor. Unlike Christianity, It is not encouraged in Islam to give all your property in charity. A Muslim needs to think of his wife, kids, parents and his uncertain future at the time of giving charity. However, he should not be  completely a tight fisted too. 

( Sahi Bukhari, Book of zakat, book no. 24)

13. The Concept of Fasting

Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam. A healthy Muslim is commanded to observe fast in the whole month of Ramadan. Fasting is the dearest worship to God. It purifies people of sins and brings them nearer to Heaven. During fasting, a Muslim should not eat or drink  anything from dawn to dusk. He/she should avoid backbiting, lying, abusing and quarrelling. Sexual Intercourse, masturbation, discharging of semen, menses etc nullify fasting. Every good deed is rewarded multiple times in the holy month of Ramadan. Remember, it is not compulsory for kids, sick, travellers and very old people. 

( Quran 2:183-185) 

(Sahi Bukhari, Book of fasting, book no. 30) 

14.The  Concept of visiting Mecca

A rich Muslim is commanded to visit Mecca at least once in lifetime in the month of Zul-Hijja, 12th month in lunar calendar to perform a pilgrimage. The same journey to Mecca or the same pilgrimage is called Haj. The person who performs Haj is called Haji. Once is compulsory and more than once is optional. 

15. The Concept of JIHAD

The word Jihad is the most misunderstood word of Islam and the credit for such high level misunderstanding goes to paid and biased media. The literal meaning of the word  JIHAD is to strive, to endeavor, to work hard or to struggle.  However, there are various types of Jihad in Islam and some of them are as under : 

* The best type of jihad is to fight against one's own evil desires. 

*Jihad means to fight in self-defence. 

* Jihad is to fight against the oppression and exploitation. 

* Spreading peace, harmony and love through books, speeches and social media is also Jihad. 

* Working hard to pass exams is also Jihad. 

* working hard to produce better crop is also Jihad. 

* Speaking truth in front of a cruel ruler or boss is also Jihad. 

* To fight for your rights, freedom and justice is also Jihad. 

* To protect your country and family is Jihad. 

* Any type of struggle or striving to benefit one's own self or society is Jihad. But killing innocent people is not jihad at all. It is a heinous crime and Islam condemns it seriously. The Quran says in chapter five, Verse thirty-two that whosoever saves a life, it is as if, he saved the whole humanity. 

(Sahi Bukhari, Book No. 56) 

16. The Concept of Hijab and Beard

Islam teaches that human beings are better than animals and the humans should behave so. Wearing proper clothes is not a sign of backwardness, rather, it is a sign of being decent and civilised. Imagine all the world leaders attending naked or without pants an international conference on the disarmament of Nuclear weapons in New York City at the United Nations General assembly Hall? It will seem odd and weird even to those who call for the ban on the veil. We are humans and we wear proper clothes. If hanging around in less clothes is the sign of being modern, then animals are the most modern because they wear nothing. In view of the above logic, Islam commands men to cover their bodies at least from the naval to the knees and to women to cover themselves completely except the eyes and the hands. The veil is not a sign of backwardness but a sign of modesty and morality. If a woman likes Islam, she can wear the veil. If she doesn't like Islam, no Muslim will force her to wear the veil. Islam stands for peace, freedom and modesty. It is the most modern religion. 

As per beard, it is sunnah for men in Islam. It should not be shaved off. It suits men and gives them a better look. However, it should be washed, oiled and combed regularly so that you don't look weird and repulsive.  

Islam discourages the close proximity among non-relatives and strangers. The close proximity often becomes the reason for breaking homes and Islam stresses on a strong family system. 

(Quran 24:30-31) 

17. Marriage and kids in Islam

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has said that "marriage completes the  half of Islam of a believer" and one who says No to marriage is not a believer. Marriage is one of the most important ingredients of Islam. All boys and girls of fifteen years of age and above are fit for marriage, however, the question is, "ARE THEY FIT FOR PARENTHOOD?" In Islam, taking dowry from  the bride is prohibited. On the contrary, the bride can demand as much Meher (bridal money) from the groom as she wants, nevertheless, the best wives demand least Meher from their husbands.  

As per kids, Islam teaches that all kids are born as pure Muslims. It is their parents who raise them as non-Muslims. At the time of birth, Azan is recited into the right ear of a kid and Iqamat into its left ear. On the 7th day after birth, it is circumcised and named. Some Muslims delay in naming and circumcising  their kids, that is not good. When a child becomes about seven years old, he should be taught how to offer salah and when he gets older, he should be encouraged to observe fast as well. The parents or guardians should teach Islam to their kids with love and affection. 

18. Funeral rites in Islam

When a Muslim dies, his wife is ordered to be in mourning for four months and ten days keeping her pregnancy aspect into consideration. However, other relatives are not allowed to mourn formally  more than three days. 

(Sahi Bukhari, Book No. 23, Hadith No. 1280)

19. The Concept of dividing property in Islam 

It seems strange  that a male heir gets two shares and a female heir gets only one share  in Islam. However, The male has to spend on his whole family from his two shares whereas the female can spend all of her share only on herself. If you want to know more on this topic, read verses eleven and twelve of the fourth  chapter of the holy Quran. 

20. Names and birthplaces of 25 prophets 

1. Prophet Ishaaq, Palestine

2. Prophet Ya¡¯quub, Palestine

3:?Prophet Yusuuf, Palestine

4. Prophet Dawud, Palestine

5:?Prophet Sulaeeman, Palestine

6. Prophet Zakariya, Palestine

7. Prophet Yahya, Palestine

8. Prophet Isa, Palestine

9. Prophet Ismaeel, Saudi Arabia 

10. Prophet Muhammad, Saudi Arabia 

11. Prophet Huud, Saudi Arabia 

12. :?Prophet Sholeeh, Saudi Arabia 

13. Prophet Syu¡¯aib, Saudi Arabia 

14. Prophet Luut, iraq

15. Prophet Yunuus, iraq

16. Prophet Ibrahiim, iraq

17. Pophet Idrees, iraq

18. Prophet Yasa¡¯ Lebanon 

19. Prophet Ilyaas, Lebanon 

20. Adam was dropped into Sri Lanka 

21. Prophet Nuuh, Middle East 

22. Prophet Haaruun, Egypt 

23. Prophet Musa, Egypt 

24. Prophet Ayyuub, Syria 

25,  prophet zulkifal,?

21. Names of the top male friends of the Prophet Mohammad pbuh

The top four male companions of the holy prophet are : 

* Hazret Abu Bakar (RA) 

*Hazret Umar (RA) 

*Hazret Usman (RA) 

*Hazret Ali (RA) 

22. Names of the top female companions 

*Hazret Khadija (RA) 

*Hazret Aisha (RA) 

Hazret Fatimah (RA) 

Hazret Sumaiya (RA) 

23. Top five TAFSEERS of the holy Quran 

Tafseer  Ibn kathir 

Tafseer As-saadi 

Tafseer AR-razi /?Tafsir al-Kabir?

Tafseer Ibn Abbas

Tafseer At-tabari 

24. Top ten  Muslim classic scholars

* Abu  Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi , father of modern surgery 

* Ibn Al-Nafis ,?"father of circulatory physiology

* Abbas Ibn Firnas , father of aircraft

* Alhazen, "father of modern optics"

* Jabir Ibn Hayyan , father of chemistry

* Al-Biruni : the "founder of?indology and  "father of?comparative religion . 

* Mohammad Al-Idrisi : father of world map

*Al-khwarizmi : The most renowned as the "father of Algebra 

* Al-kindi , known as "the Philosopher of the Arabs"

* Ibn khaldun?is regarded by many as the father of sociology, historiography and modern economics.?

25. Facts about the last prophet of Islam, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) : 

*Era  :  570 C. E. - 632 C. E. 

1) Name:  Mohammad bin Abdullah 

2) Born  : Monday, 22-04-570, C. E. 

3) Mother's name : Aminah 

4) Father's name : Abdullah 

5) Mother passed away: 575 C. E. 

6) Father passed away : 50 days before the prophet's birth. 

7) First Verse of Quran revealed : 10-08-610 C. E. 

8) Umar (RA) & Hamzah (RA) became Muslims : 616 C. E. 

9) Khadija (RA) (1st wife) passed away : 620 C. E. 

10) Mearaj to Heavens : 621 C. E. 

11) Married Aisha (RA) : 621 C. E. 

12) Migration to Madina : 13-09-622 (only 70 persons) 

13) Battle of Badr and Abu Jahal killed : 624 C. E. 

14) Battle of Uhad : January, 625 C. E. 

15) Hudaibiya Pact: 628 C. E. 

16) Battle of Mu'ata and the Prophet was poisoned by Jews : 629 C. E. 

17) Conquest of Makkah : 630 C. E. 

18) Battle of Tabuk : 631 C. E. 

19) Farewell Haj  which 1,24000 companions attended: 631 C. E. 

20) The Prophet passed away : 632 C. E. 

21) Three sons of the Prophet : Kasim, Abdullah, Ibrahim 

22) Four daughters of the Prophet : zainab, Rukaiya, kulsoom, Fatimah 

23) Holy grave of the Prophet : At Madina in Saudi Arabia 

24) Books left behind : The holy Quran, The Hadith 

25) Best Quote of the Prophet,

"Saving a life is like saving the whole humankind." 


All mistakes in the booklet are from me and the satan. All good things in it are from Allah. 

He will forgive us. He is the most forgiving. 


Sahil sharifdin English lives at  district Pulwama in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. He teaches English language and English literature. He has qualified SET and NET in English literature. He is a voracious reader of literature, philosophy, history and religions. He believes that international peace, progress and brotherhood are possible only when people will understand one another's culture, history, religion and political viewpoint better. He is a Blogger and his blog ID is #Sahilsharifdinenglish.blogspot.com. He runs a channel on youtube titled "sahil Sharifdin English" through which he helps needy students. 


  1. Really appreciable. God bless you

  2. Mistake: Nr. 2 under "Common Errors":
    The first example should be "Have you taken your meal?" but by oversight, it is listed plural, "meals," so that both wrong & right examples are the same.
    //Thanks for excellent summary of plurals!//


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