Psychology Behind your profile pictures [Pennsylvania]

Psychology Behind your profile pictures 

[Content Credit: The team of
 professional psychologists
at Pennsylvania.

Image credit: Rightful owner ]

Profile pictures are our self-chosen public representations. These visuals show how we see ourselves and how we want to be seen by others, which makes them extremely intriguing to psychologists.
A research team at the University of Pennsylvania recently found that certain personality traits determine what images we use. Our profile pictures tell the world around about our hidden desires and dreams very bravely what even we don't know consciously .  The scientists analyzed a number of  profile pictures and estimated the users’ personality based on them. Some of the results are given here:
1. Picture of yourself without any filter = carefree  and self-reliant personality , not worrying about public opinions .

2. Picture of yourself with filter = sensitive , selfrespecting, narcissistic and self-loving personality .

3. Pictures of well-known celebrities = person with slave mentality ; Dependent , unworthy and meritless personality.
4. Pictures of less known celebrity or of an unknown person  =  Fraud , fake and cheating personality.

5. Religion related pictures=  hypocritical, needy , sad , disappointed and undependable personality .

6.  Politics related pictures= Greedy , harmful and flattering personality.

7. Pictures of animals =  kind and sympathetic personality

8. Pictures of  Cartoons, aliens etc =  childlike and immature personality.

9. Pictures of Small babies /kids =  They signify the kinda  personality that has had kids or is dying to have kids.  They  signify the personality with special interest in marriage , love , sex etc.

10.  Pictures of cars , banknotes , bikes , lavish homes, expensive food etc =  Hollow, ostentatious, affected , arrogant , showing off and unkind personality.

11. Changing profile pictures often = Lively, struggling, energetic , dreamy and ambitious personality.

12. Not changing profile pictures so often = pessimistic, dismal, boring and cold-hearted personality.

13. Half , shaded , face-hidden or face-concealed pictures =  Cunning, coward and fraud personality.

14. No picture at all =  Suffering , less-smart , cynical and blunt personality.

15.  Pictures of flowers = Tender-hearted,  loving and artistic personality.

16. Pictures of Books = Wise , smart , largehearted and  knowledge loving personality.

17. Pictures of Stars , moon , earth ,  other heavenly bodies =  Imaginative, reflective , thoughtful and genius personality.

18. Pictures of Opposite gender=  sexual , untrustworthy and sick personality.

19. Pictures of Water , river, sea, rain etc=  Trustworthy, truthful , pure and helpful personality.

20. Pictures of nudity , beaches , wine,  singers , musical instruments , jewellery = Greedy , sexual, devilish and  erotic personality.


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