Everyon's three moral codes : Family moral code , religious moral code and international moral code ?

Family moral code , religious moral code and international moral code ?

Your life will become more peaceful, more impressive and more meaningful if you learn these  three sets of rules properly and apply them upon yourselves at the places which they are exactly meant for .  If you use the same set of laws everywhere, you will be condemned as narrowminded , backward , evil-minded and intolerant. Don't  mix up family rules , religious rules and international rules together and thus land yourselves into problems . Many of you may disagree with this idea and many will understand  it late [ after a year or three 😂 ] .I will  give only one example because I know your reading patience.   
See, Islam allows us to eat Grasshoppers . If I  eat Grasshoppers  , my mom will murder me  . If I avoid eating them , the Islamic God will not punish me.  I am bound to follow family rules when they don't harm Islam or humanity . 
Likewise, Islam allows us to eat venison [ meat of deer] if I do that , I will be jailed according to international laws . Again , If I avoid venison , the Islamic God will not punish me . 
Similarly, there is no wrong in eating pork according to international laws but if I eat it regularly , the Islamic God may punish me. 
To sum up , know all sets of laws and follow them to the best of everyone's interest , without creating problems for yourself or others.  Don't share the heads of cows on social media . Don't burn the holy Qur'an . Don't offer Salah  on roads and streets to disturb the wayfarers.By doing this , you may be right according to one set of laws but wrong according to other sets of laws. 
Be patient. Be human . Be  peacemakers on the planet.


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