A white and a black maids in the court of the caliph Haroon Rashid [In memory of George Floyd ] #Racism_USA

white and a black maids in the court of the caliph Haroon Rashid 

Once the caliph Haroon Rashid made an announcement that he needed a maid and , on the next day,  two maids appeared in his court. One of them was white in colour and the other was black. The caliph said that he needed only one of them . The white maid requested the caliph to buy her because the white  colour was a  better colour whereas the black maid  said that the black colour was a  better colour . The caliph thought a lot and then said   that the two maids should debate with each other on which of the two colours was better and then the winner of the debate  would be bought  by him.
The two maids agreed to the caliph's proposal. The white maid said that the diamond is white in colour and is  costly whereas the coal is black in colour and  is cheap. She added that the faces of the people of paradise would be White and the faces of the people of hell would be black. The caliph was delighted to hear this argument. The black maid said that musk is  black in colour and is costly whereas the wool is  white in colour and  is cheap. She added the white part of the human eye was sightless  but the black pupil of the human  eye does have sight . The Caliph was  agained delighted .
The white maid said that the pages of the holy Quran are white but the black maid replied that the holy words written on the white pages of the holy Quran are black . The white maid said that  the holy prophet was born on a [white] day . The black maid said the holy prophet did maeraaj [Ascension to the heavens]   during  a black night. The white maid continued that the sun and all other stars look white.  The black maid replied that  the cover of the holy Kaaba and the colour of Bilal , a close companion of the holy prophet are  black . The white maid said that the face and the teeth of the holy prophet were white . The black maid  retorted that the hair  and the beard of the holy prophet were black . The caliph was very impressed with the  arguments of the two witty maids  and bought both of them. 
Moral: No colour is good or bad, thinking makes it so.

[ Photo credit : Rightful owner]


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